Besides counting the kicks, making the birth plan and deciding on the junior’s name, would-be mothers have a lot more things to do before they welcome their baby. If you are in the second trimester or third trimester, you can include a few other things in your to-do list to get ready for the baby.

First is learning to fold and unfold the pram. With the squirming new-born in arms, it’s quite tricky to deal with the pram. Therefore, mothers can practice using the pram as well as storing it in car boot beforehand.

The next thing mothers can do is shop well ahead. It’s not that they cannot visit the supermarket after the baby’s birth, but it would be easier for them if all essentials are at their fingertips. They can simply walk around the rooms and list the things which need replacement and those which are to purchase.

Once done, both the parents can shop for the products including non-perishable foods, medicines, toiletries, waterproof bed pad, etc.

The third essential point in to include in your checklist can be cooking and freezing a few meals. It’s quite a stress if you have to cook nutritious, delicious meal after reaching home with your new-born. To save yourself from the hassle, it’s better to prepare edibles like soups, stews, pastas, etc. and freeze it. Next, all you have to do is defrost the meal.

Carpet cleaning is another essential task to include in one’s to-do list. If your due date is 1 month later, you can call a professional to clean up carpets, sofas and other upholstery so that your baby enters a germ free atmosphere.

Few weeks before the due date is also the best time to arrange the new-born’s place. Whether you want a bassinet or a crib for your baby should be decided well ahead in time. Only make sure to choose something with no risk of SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Occurring with infants below 1 year, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the major cause of child death in the US. According to statistics, around 1, 600 new-borns in the States die every year.

As per CDC’s report, every year, approximately 900 die from accidental strangulation and suffocation while sleeping.

SIDS is also known as crib death as it mostly happens between 8 pm to 8 am. So, mothers need to gather more knowledge of dos and don’ts to ensure their child’s safety.

Lastly, with the approaching due date, mothers need to pack their hospital bag. Labor is quite unpredictable during the last days and pregnant mothers should be wary.

Women who already have children can also engage those little ones in whichever task possible so that they can also get accustomed to the idea of welcoming a new member soon.