Understanding the Different Developmental Milestones for Babies…

In understanding and learning about the developmental milestones for babies, you have to keep in mind that this is only a guideline. Moreover, babies develop differently and at their own pace. In fact, there is a wide range of developmental milestones that is considered normal, unless there is actually something wrong with your baby.

Your Baby at One Month Old…

The first few days with your baby will be filled with feedings, changing diapers, responding to his or her wails, and settling him or her to sleep. However, within a few weeks, your baby will begin to notice your face, touch and your voice. Your baby will start to notice black and white patterns. In addition, his or her hearing is now fully developed. In fact, during this time, you will notice that he or she will turn toward familiar sounds, like your voice. Your baby will also be able to lift his or her head briefly and follow objects. There are also a few babies who can already perform advanced skills like smiling, laughing, and holding his or her head at a 45 degree angle.

As a mother, you should enjoy getting to know your baby during this period. You can cuddle and talk to your baby. You should learn how your baby gives signals that signify that he or she is sleepy or hungry. You should be responsive and attentive to your baby’s needs.

While it is true that each child develops at his or her own pace, there are signs that require immediate consultation to your child’s pediatrician. You should be mindful of these red flags when you observe them. The signs include poor sucking or feeding, inability to focus on moving objects nearby, inability to react to bright lights, inability to respond to loud sounds, and stiff or floppy posture.

Your Baby at Three Months Old

During this time, your baby will start to smile and he or she enjoys playtime. In fact, your baby will now start to imitate your facial expressions and mimic the sounds that you make. At this time, you do not need to support his or her head, as your baby is now able to support his or her head, especially when your baby is lying on his or her stomach. He or she can open and close his or her hands, hold toys, and shake them, as well. Your baby is able to recognize your voice, coos, gurgles, and squeals. Your baby can also perform mini push ups. Some babies, however, can perform advanced skills like rolling over.

You should not worry about spoiling your baby at this time, as responding promptly to his or her needs ensures that your baby feels secure and loved. You can offer your baby safe and clean toys that he or she can reach, explore, and hold.

There are red flags or signs that you should watch out for, as these signs require immediate consultation from your health care provider. If your baby cannot support his or her head well or grasp objects, then you should seek medical help right away. If your baby does not react to loud sounds or focus on moving objects, a medical consultation is necessary.

Your Baby at Four to Seven Months Old

During this time, your baby is now fully engaged to the world. In fact, your baby often smiles and laughs during this time. Moreover, he or she makes babbling conversations with you. By the seventh month, your baby will be able to roll on his or her tummy, sit without your help, and support his or her weight. In addition, your baby becomes more sensitive to the tone of your voice and he or she recognizes his or her name when called.

Your baby thrives on the interactions that he or she has with you. It is important that you integrate playtime in everything that you do with your child. You should provide opportunities for your child to strengthen his or her physical skills. Before your child learns how to crawl, you should consider child proofing your home to keep your child’s environment safe for exploring. You should also provide age-appropriate toys for your child to explore and establish a routine for feeding, playing and sleeping.

There are also signs that you should watch out for during this period. If your baby seems floppy or stiff and he or she cannot sit on their own, you should seek immediate help. Moreover, if your baby does not smile or respond to noises, you should see a pediatrician to have your baby checked.

Your Baby at Eight to 12 Months Old

Babies milestonesDuring this time, your baby has now become an eager explorer. He or she can easily and quickly get around through scooting or crawling. Your baby is now able to sit on his or her own and grab objects to lift him or herself up. Your baby may even take some solo steps before he or she turns one year old. Your baby will also be able to speak his or her first words. Sooner, he or she will be able to talk in simple phrases. Your baby is outgoing but reserved around strangers. He or she may experience separation anxiety at this age.

At this point, you should keep talking to your baby, as this can help with his or her language development. As your baby continues to become active, it is very important that you provide a safe environment for him or her to explore. You should offer freedom for your child to utilize all his or her senses to discover new things. You should praise and provide rewards for your child’s good behavior.

If your child does not crawl or unable to stand with support, you should seek help from your health care provider. If your child does not say any words at all, you should ask your health care provider about it. These are some of the red flags to watch out for during this age.