Use our pregnancy test calculator to calculate your pregnancy…

Here at ThePregnancyLab you can use our pregnancy test calculator to calculate your pregnancy. Please keep in mind that the pregnancy calculations that are provided are estimates based on averages.

Get access to all your important pregnancy dates like…

Conception date

First heart beat

First move

End of first trimester

End of second trimester

Your due date

Your baby´s star sign

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Pregnancy Due Date Calculator + Week by Week Guide

Use our pregnancy due date calculator to calculate your most important pregnancy dates. Fill in your Last Menstrual Period (LMP) date and your email to receive most of the important dates of your pregnancy.


Pregnancy Calculator

Pregnancy for a woman is that stage when she feels accomplished and she has achieved one of her lifetime goals – that of being able to have children. Pregnancy is a natural spontaneous process.  However, you may want to help the process along by keeping track of your progress as you make the decision to have a baby. As you move in this direction a pregnancy calculator can help you to determine your chance of getting pregnant and of delivering a healthy baby.

Conception Calculator

At this stage you want to know when is the best time to make the move to get pregnant. For one good thing, the body operates in cycles and every month you get a chance to try for pregnancy within that time when you are most fertile. A woman releases one or two eggs from her ovaries once a month through the process of ovulation. This will occur right in the middle (14 days) of your 28 days menstrual cycle.

For those women who have a longer cycle, say 35 days, ovulation will occur at about 21 days (and not day 17) before the period.  You will only conceive if a sperm comes along and fertilizes the egg. While sperm is able to live up to five days swimming around in the fallopian tube, an egg that is released stays only for 24 hours. Conception is most likely to occur within this window of opportunity.

Determine the date when conception is more likely to occur by noting the first day of your last period. If you have a regular 28 day cycle, calculate 14 days before your next period or after your last, which would be the time when you are ovulating. Your best chance is to have intercourse at least two days or right around that time, which is your fertility window .

Ovulation Calculator

Not only do you want to know the time around when you can make the move to try for pregnancy, being able to detect when ovulation is taking place can provide a more sure opportunity. During ovulation the woman’s body temperature rises slightly. Try tracking your basal body temperature to help you along. A woman’s normal body temperature ranges between 96 and 99 degrees. Right at ovulation the temperature rises to about half a degree or more. A rise in basal body temperature (BBT) around the time of ovulation is an indication that you are ovulating and can try for getting pregnant.

Due Date Calculator

After the excitement of knowing that they are pregnant, one of the first things that pregnant mothers want to know is when they are due. It is quite natural for them to start looking forward to the day when the baby will arrive. You might start to do some rough calculation in your head and on your fingers to come up with an estimated date. But you will eventually want to be as close as possible to the date and will need the help of your health care provider. However, there are tools that can help you to calculate your due date and they do a pretty good job of giving an accurate date.

The process of pregnancy starts from the day the sperm of the man meets an egg in the woman and they both fuse together as one in fertilization. This happens in the fallopian tube but the fertilized cell moves down into the uterus and attaches itself to the wall. This is the point of implantation and pregnancy is said to begin. The whole process from fertilization to implantation can take up six days.

Whatever pregnancy calculator you will use to determine your due date, it will require that you have some information to determine a precise date as possible. Know at least when your last menstrual period was, and how long a cycle it usually is. Many women have a regular menstrual cycle which is 28 days. Others have longer or irregular cycles.

The differences in the reproductive process in women can mean different outcomes of when birth will take place. No two women are necessarily the same. Every woman’s body is made up differently and circumstances vary from one person to another. It is for these reasons your due date will only be an estimation. For instance, human gestation (the period from conception to birth) is 38 weeks or 280 days. But this is based on a regular menstrual cycle and that conception takes place within an average normal time.

The circumstances of conception in one woman may differ from another. For example, conception may be delayed because the sperm lingers in the fallopian tube before it meets the egg. In another circumstance, the process could happen in just 30 minutes.

Regardless of the circumstance of pregnancy however, a pregnant mother must have an estimated due date in mind when she will deliver her baby. Again, many calculators are available to help you to work out approximately when you will deliver. You can calculate your due date in one of two ways.

The average pregnancy lasts a total of 40 weeks or 38 weeks from when conception takes place. It is simple therefore to estimate when you are due by calculating exactly 40 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). These 40 weeks include the two weeks before conception takes place in women who have regular menstrual cycle.

Another way to calculate your due date is by the Naegele’s Rule. Using the 280 days gestation period for babies, count back 3 months from the first day of your last menstrual period. Count back seven more days from this date. The due date is estimated to be that date in the next year . Use the available pregnancy calculator to help you determine your progress in pregnancy. They are tools to help make the experience memorable.