Understanding the varied developmental milestones of a 16 months old child…

For most parents, developmental milestones are considered an exciting event. The milestones could mean that your child is learning, growing, and developing right on schedule. However, there will come a time when the development in your child’s life suddenly speeds up. For most children, this happens at 16 months old. At 16 months, the milestones are considered rather important as this is the age when your child transitions from a dependent infant to a more dependent child.

Physical development – Becoming more independent and ready to explore new things

Toddler walking with toyAt 16 months old, your child is already learning that he or she can do things on his or her own. As a result, your child would probably try to become more independent. He or she will push him or herself to find his or her limits. In the previous months, your child is probably content with being able to walk across the floor. However, this month, your child wants to walk across the floor with toys in each hand. This is the time when parents’ patience is tested.

Since a 16 month old child has more control over her body, he or she can now walk more steadily, draw and stack objects. This is a great time to encourage your child to walk. At the same time, this is a great time to ensure that your child is safe all the time through child proofing your home. You can do encourage your child by talking him or her on walks and holding your child’s hand. This way, you are encouraging your child to move on his or her own. To help your child develop his or her hand and eye coordination, you can provide them with colorful blocks that he or she can stack. Another way to do this is to provide your child with big crayons and finger painting materials. This way, you can help develop your child’s creativity and at the same time, you are teaching your child to use his or her hands in new ways.

Cognitive and language development of a 16 month old toddler

A 16 month old toddler can actually understand more than you think. In fact, a child’s mind is like a sponge, soaking up every information and idea that they come across with and filing it away for later use. Cognitive development of a 16 month old child is huge and this will continue to grow. Your child understands a great deal of what he or she hears around her, even if your child cannot talk back to you yet.

Aside from storing all information that he or she gets from around him or her, your child is also learning the names of different things. Soon enough your child will start to point at things and tell you what they are called. While your child may still use a lot of gestures, he or she understands more that what he or she can explain. In fact, telling him to get his or her toys might just result in him or her to stand up and get his or her toys.

You can help your 16 month old child foster his or her developmental milestones through learning experiences that touches all his or her five senses. To do this, you can let your child touch anything he or she wants, within reason, and describe those things in simple words. Since a child is generally curious, he or she will begin to ask you questions. You should answer his or her questions truthfully and in simple terms that your child understands.

At 16 months old, this is a great time for you to read stories to your child. This time, the words will actually make more sense to him or her. Moreover, if your stories come with illustrations, your child will be able to understand the story more and this can induce his or her imagination.

Simply listen to your child

At this age, you should simply listen to your child. At 16 months old, your child has a lot to say at this time. You should allow your child to communicate with you in his or her own way. You should make sure that you pay close attention to what interests your child and show your child more of what has caught his or her attention. This way, you are able to stimulate your child’s brain.


Your toddler and his or her temper tantrums

Your child at 16 months old can already do a lot of things. However, he or she still gets frustrated easily. In fact, when your child feels overwhelmed at times, he or she may exhibit temper tantrums. Temper tantrums are quiet common during this stage of your child’s life as your child has not learned to channel his or her feelings into something else. For your child’s experience, it becomes impossible for him or her to stop his or her anger or rush of emotions. When your child exhibits temper tantrums, you should remain calm instead of retaliating. Instead, you should offer comfort to your child.

Repetition, security and structure

Repetition is considered your child’s way to remind him or herself of what he or she can do. Moreover, a 16 month old child enjoys the satisfaction that he or she gets from doing the same activities right again and again. By repeating things, your child is building on his or her knowledge every time. Every time your child looks at the same picture, he or she will probably notice a new detail. This is the reason why your child may choose the same bedtime book every night for the entire week.

In addition, repetition is also comforting for your 16 month old child. Your child wants you to read the same story over and over, as he or she can already predict what will happen next. This offers the feeling of security and structure to your child.

Check on your next months toddler / child development, milestones & stages

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