Reading one of the numerous books on a baby’s development in the first year will give you an idea concerning all relevant milestones most of them pass. This is, no doubt, a sign of good parenting as the knowledge can help you identify even the smallest problem in your baby’s behavior early on. But you must understand reaching those milestones is not a race. Sometimes, delays are not even considered as a problem!
So, let’s know the different developmental stages of a baby for a comprehensive idea.
From being a new born that stays still and sleeps for most of the time to a toddler who is always snatching things to put in the mouth and is now a hyperactive baby, they have had numerous improvements in just one year. The milestones they have achieved along their way are the different “developmental stages” in that first year.
However, it is essential as a parent to realize that no babies have similar behavior during their developmental years. That is, they develop at their own pace.
Nonetheless, talk to the pediatrician if it seems like your little munchkin is lagging with his/her movements.
Are the developmental stages for premature babies and others same?
If your son or daughter was born before you’ve completed thirty-seven weeks of gestation, then look at those milestone guidelines differently. That’s because achieving them will depend on the due date that doctor suggested and not the birth date.
So, if your delivery took place two months before the due date, then your daughter is likely to achieve developmental milestones after two months than the customary guidelines.
Now let’s give you all those answers regarding various developmental phases for your babies.
The right time for babies to crawl
If your baby isn’t crawling even after reaching the one-year mark, then look for other locomotive signs for the hand and leg coordination. That because it is normal for many to miss the crawling stage and go from bottom shuffling to straight up walking. Instead of walking, it can also be other things like pulling up, furniture walking or cruising, and standing.
The ‘no crawling’ stage is being increasingly witnessed among toddlers. This was further proved by the campaign of “Back to Sleep” that was initiated back in 1994.
Teething timeline for babies
Usually, teething begins anytime between the age of three and twelve months. However, there are exceptions too.
In rarest cases, like one among two thousand, a baby may have one tooth already vented at the birth time. In the other end of this spectrum, you may see no signs of teething at all until one tooth pops up the gums.
Generally, you can spot your baby’s first tooth emerging at around the age of four to seven months. And, teething symptoms start showing from as early as two and a half or three months with the next set of teeth appearing between eight and twelve months.
How long does it take for babies to sit?
Typically, babies sit up from 4 to 7 months of age. Parents can help their kids reach this stage by holding their arms and pulling them up gently to sitting positions. Your baby will enjoy that to-and-fro motion; adding sound effects with your mouth will make this activity more exciting for the baby.
Further, notice if your daughter can hold her head steadily and is pushing herself up now and then or not. When that time arrives, bring her to a sitting position and give her support so that she can sit for seven to ten minutes every day.
Also, spending more time on the tummy can make her muscles stronger. That way she can push herself off the floor repeatedly until she starts sitting straight without any support.
The beginning of a baby’s smiles
A baby starts smiling from as early as two to three months. However, before that, you may see the curving of their lips. But, don’t mistake it for a real and voluntary smile. That’s because these are reflex smiles with shorter duration and taking place randomly.
There is nothing to worry if you see that your li’l one is not smiling yet. All you have to do is start talking with her and making eye contacts more often. Also, smile whenever you are in front of her. With these tricks, she might start copying you soon.
How will your baby look?
Almost all parents ask this common question universally. They are obsessed about whose traits will their son get.
Eye color – Even if the father and mother have the same eye color, your baby can have a different color.
Height – The general rule is to consider the average height of two parents and subtracting two inches if it’s a girl and adding two for a boy. However, nutritional factors play a determining role in this case.
You have all the answers to your questions concerning the developmental stages of your babies. But, if you witness any irregularity, it is always better to consult a child’s specialist, no matter how small the problem.