Effectively Dealing with Frequent Urination during Pregnancy

Frequent urination is considered a pregnancy symptom that no pregnant woman enjoys.  However, this is also considered as one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy which starts early in the first three months of the pregnancy and gets bad in the last three months of the pregnancy.

What Causes Frequent Urination during Pregnancy?

Frequent urination during pregnancy is mainly caused by the increased blood flow to the pregnant woman’s kidneys. The extra blood flow makes the kidneys produce up to 25 percent more urine soon after conception. The increased urine production peaks at nine to 16 weeks of the pregnancy.

Aside from the increase in blood flow, frequent urination during pregnancy is also associated with pressure that the expanding uterus applies on the woman’s bladder. In fact, in the last three months of the pregnancy, this is considered as the main cause why a pregnant woman passes urine frequently. In addition, passing urine frequently during the third trimester is also due to the fact that the baby grows heavier and moves further down into the pelvic region several weeks before birth.

Another reason why frequent urination is experienced during pregnancy is due to the pregnancy hormone hCG. Pregnancy hormones like hCG increases the blood flow to the pelvic region, especially to the kidneys. Aside from pregnancy, frequent urination may caused by other factors like diabetes, urinary tract infection, or diuretic medications.

Since there is no way around this symptom and this will eventually improve, you should not try restricting your fluids. You have to remember that it is very important that you stay hydrated. In fact, you should drink at least eight glasses of water every day. If you drink less, there is a great chance that you will become dehydrated.

How Does This Symptom Manifest in Each Trimester?

In the first three months of your pregnancy, this symptom may occur mostly due to hormonal changes as well as the increasing pressure that the expanding uterus applies to your bladder. This may occur around the 6th week of the pregnancy.

During the second trimester, you will find some relief from this symptom, as the uterus rises above the bladder and places less pressure on the bladder. This is only a temporary relief. On the third trimester, this pregnancy symptom worsens. As the baby drops into the pelvic area to prepare for his or her birth, pressure is once again applied to your bladder. This time, however, more pressure is applied and frequent urination can come excessively.

Tips and Tricks that Help Alleviate this Symptom

There are a number of ways that can help you alleviate the symptom and prevent it from aggravating, especially during night time. While your first instinct might be to cut back on your fluid intake, this should not be done. It is important that you stay hydrated to keep you and your baby healthy. Proper hydration is important to ensure that you are having a healthy pregnancy. Aside from this, here are some ways to help you cope with this pregnancy symptom.

  • Cut Back on Fluid Intake Hours Before Sleeping. You can cut back on your fluid intake hours before you sleep and compensate this during your waking hours. Cutting back on your fluid intake at bedtime can actually help reduce bathroom visits when you are resting at night.
  • Avoid Caffeinated Drinks Like Tea and Coffee. You should also avoid drinking caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee as they have a diuretic effect, increasing your trips to the bathroom. You should go for water, instead.
  • Empty Your Bladder Completely by Leaning Forward When Urinating. To prevent any leaks, you should not let your bladder become full to its maximum capacity. In addition, you can empty your bladder completely through leaning forward when you urinate.
  • Try the Double Voiding Technique. Another way to empty your bladder completely is through double voiding. This means that when you are finished urinating, you need to pee again. This way, your bladder is completely emptied every time you go to the bathroom. This will also ensure fewer trips to the bathroom.
  • Skip Diuretic Medications When Necessary. If you are taking diuretic medications, you should speak with your health care provider and ask if there are other options for you. Diuretic medications can actually make your excessive urination even more frequent.
  • Do Not Hold Urine for Long. You should make sure that you do not hold your urine for long as this can only increase your visits to the bathroom. Holding your urine can have a negative effect on your bladder, as this can cause incontinence and infection.
  • Wear Sanitary Pads to Absorb Leaks. There are instances that you will experience leaks when you cough or sneeze. To keep it dry and clean down there, you should consider wearing a sanitary pad or a panty shield to absorb the leaks.
  • Practice Your Kegel Exercises. To help you with strengthening your muscles and control your urethra effectively, you should do your Kegel exercise. The great thing about this exercise is that you can actually perform this discreetly anywhere and anytime.

When Does Frequent Urination Become a Problem?

While this is a fairly common pregnancy symptom, there are times when this symptom can signal other health conditions that require immediate medical consult. You should be mindful about this symptom as well as the other symptoms that may accompany it. For instance, if you experience this pregnancy symptom with pain or a burning sensation when urinating, you should seek medical consult right away, as this may be a sign of urinary tract infection.

You should also seek consult if you observe that you are having the urge to urinate again and again or when you are not able to control your urination. If you experience slight spotting or when your urine smells bad, you should consider seeking consult right away and speak with your health care provider. Your health care provider may prescribe diagnostic tests to determine any underlying condition.